There is a major debate in Canada about the possible participation of Canadian military planes in the international attempt to defeat the Islamic terrorist group ISIL in Iraq and Syria. This is being debated in the Canadian parliament with the government in support of the proposal and the opposition parties opposed.
If you were to read my blog on the remembrance of D-Day (davidspeaks.ca), you would find that I detest the concept of using military force to solve world problems. However, the only response to a radical Islamic group such as ISIL is a military one.
We in the Kingston area should be acutely aware of the impact of ideologies such as ISIL. Five years ago, three young girls were murdered by their father as was his ex-wife because he disapproved of their behaviour, even though it was consistent with that of other teenagers in the area. They were killed by being drowned in the Kingston Mills locks on the Rideau Canal. Even if their behaviour had been unacceptable, no one has the right to take another person’s life.
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The military response, to which Canada has been asked to make a contribution, is an international force with widespread support. It is the only way in which ISIL will at least be subdued. Diplomacy and humanitarian aid will ultimately be required but at this point there is no alternative to force.
We are facing a major international problem that could eventually affect all of us. Canada should feel obligated to make a contribution in the effort to remove this menace.
In today’s blog David moves from the comfort of plant biology / biotechnology, where he is without question a World-Class Expert, to contemporary politics / religion / terrorism where everyone believes that they are also experts. Not surprisingly, however, David maintains his position of intellectual leadership with a compelling argument that Canada must join the US, Australia, New Zealand, England, and most of Europe, including France, in opposing the cowardly and entirely uncivilized activities of ISIL! To refuse to join with the rest of civilization in some sort of vain hope that Canada would be exempt from ISIL’s vision of the dark ages would be no more likely to be successful than the “head in the sand” behavior of the ostrich when confronted by a predator. In this case ISIL is clearly predatory!